Historian, newspaper editor, grand provost, and twice academician.
He was born in Törökbecse (today Novi Bečej, Serbia) here his father was a Catholic Serbian corn merchant. In the register of birth his name was Eugen Nedits. His mother was Hungarian: Zsófia Szalay. In 1866 in Törökbecse in the church of Saint Clair of Assisi during the parish feast when he was ordered priest he Hungarised his name. He started studying in Fránjova in Serbian language and then he visited a German High-School in Nagybecskerek and afterwards graduated from the Piarist high-school in Szeged in Hungarian, where he studied in Hungarian language. His teachers in Szeged, raised his interest in literature. Together with some of his colleagues, he founded the Reményvirágok Literature Society. Another of his teachers, Ágoston Szalay encouraged him to collect literature works.
In 1860 he arrived to Temesvár (today Timişoara, Romania) as a seminarian, here together with some of his fellow seminarians, he founded a training school. He pursued his studies at the University of Arts and Sciences in Budapest, where he got a degree in Philosophy and in 1966 he earned the title of Doctor in Theology. In the same year he was ordained priest. After that he was chaplain in the mining towns of Southern Banat in Steierdorf and Anina, where he held his services in German, Slovak and Czech language. From 1868 he was the director of the elementary school in Nagykikinda, and taught Hungarian language and Literature in the modern school. From 1869 he was teaching philosophy and Latin in the royal high-school in Temesvár. In 1873 the Sissany Family invited him to Törökbecse where he had been the local vicar for 20 years.
In 1871 he founded the History and Archeological Society of Southern Hungary and occupied also the position of secretary of the Society. From 1871, until 1873 he was an editor at the monthly gazette, entitled Történelmi Adattár, in which he published documents about Southern Hungary. From 1879 he was one of the editors of the weekly, then daily paper entitled Torontál. From 1879, for a time period of one year, he was the responsible editor of the paper.
He started his career in the field of literature, with translations. Afterwards he wrote critics, historical, archeological and linguistic notes and published them in his work entitled Cicero beszéde Manilius törvényjavaslata mellett (Cicero’s Speech for the Law Proposal of Manilius). Later on, he wrote mainly about the Hungarian history, especially the one from Southern Hungary. His most important work was entitled Száz év Dél-magyarország történetéből (One Hundred Years of the History of Southern Hungary). The study consisting of 520 pages, presents the historical events of Southern Hungary from 1779 until 1879. He was also interested in clerical history, history of civilization, local history and journey descriptions. His important works are: A csanádi püspökség és káptalan rövid története (The Short History of the Bishopric and Chapter of Csanád), Szent Gellért dicsősége (The Glory of Saint Gellért), A szerb monostoregyházak történeti emlékei Dél-magyarországon (The historical relics of the Serbian Churches In Southern Hungary), Történelmi Adattár Csanád-egyházmegye történetéhez (Historical Data for the History of Csanád County), Oláhok költözése Dél-magyarországon a XVIII. században (The Migration of the Wallachs in Southern Hungary in the 18th Century); Műemlékek és régi épületmaradványok a csanádi egyházmegye területén (Monuments and Old Building Remains On the territory of the Diocese of Csanad), A délvidéki helynevek magyarosításáról (About the Hungarization of the Local Names in Southern Hungary), A dunai hajóhadak története (The History of the Danubian Fleets), Útiképek a művelt nyugatról (Voyage Descriptions About the Erudite Vest), A becskereki vár (The Castle of Becskerek), Gr. Niczky Kristóf élete, (The Life of Count Kristóf Niczky), Brocky Károly festőművész élete (The Life of Painter Károly Brocky), Magyarország története (The History of Hungary), A társadalom nemzeti feladatai Délmagyarországon (The Society’s National Duties in Southern Hungary), Mercy Klaudius Fl. kormányzata a Temesi Bánságban – újabb részletek Délmagyarország XVIII. századi történetéhez (The Government of Mercy Klaudius Fl. In Banat County – New Details regarding Southern Hungary’s History in the 18th Century). He published several historical works, critics and presentations of books in Századok, Történelmi Tár, Hazánk, Magyar Sion, and in Történelmi Adattár, that were edited by him. In the monography series entitled Magyarország vármegyéi és városai (The Counties and Towns of Hungary) edited by Samu Borovszky and published in Budapest he wrote the parts about Temes County, Temesvár, and Torontál County.
In 1882 he was elected corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 1883 he worked as a University professor in Budapest and was teaching the modern history of Hungary. In 1885 he became member of the Serbian Scientific Society and in 1910 honorary member of the Matica srpskacultural society from Ujvidék (today Novi Sad, Serbia).
He contributed to the intellectual modernization of the 19th century in Temesvár. His contribution to the founding and development of cultural institutions was also outstanding. He was the president and member of the János Arany Literature Society of Southern Hungary. In 1893 he was nominated canon of Csanád and in 1895 abbot. When he died he was the Chapter of Csanád’s grand provost.
He died in 1925 in Temesvár. He was buried in the basement of the dome from Temesvár.