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Kubán Endre (1877-1957)

Kubán EndreJournalist, editor, writer, translator of literary texts.

He was born in Resita. His Slovak former relatives, who had settled from the mountains to the industrial town, used to create metal objects. He is born in awkward circumstances: a clumsy midwife helps him to see this world, his head undergoes an infection and the doctor can save only one of his eyes. Thus, because of his sight deficiency, he cannot continue his ancestors’ hard and „iron” work.

He completes his studies at the Charitable High-School in Timisoara, and at the Mining and Forest University in Kiskunfélegyháza (here he is the classmate of Móra Ferenc) and Selmecbánya. He studies the forest art and trade, although he considers the literature area more challenging. In Budapest he publishes stories related to Christ, Jewish and gipsy anecdotes, Rózsa Sándor stories in the Collection of Hungarian Stories and Youth Readings Magyar Mesék és Ifjúsági Olvasmányok Könyvtára series (1904-10), he edits love correspondences, and elaborates the collection of memoir poems.

When he returns to Resita, he becomes the co-worker of Resicai Lapok, then of Krassó-Szörényi Lapok and the permanent correspondent of Temesvári Hírlap. Starting with 1914 he completes a contract with the Temesvári Hírlap, and moves to Timisoara together with his family. Because of his sight problems, during the First World War, he does not fulfil the military service, and he becomes one of the main members of the newspaper edited by Pogány Mihály. He edits notes, communications, commentaries and articles related to the contemporary local and national events, as well as humorous pamphlets reflecting the current historical context. In 1924, for a short period of time, after the death of Pogány Mihály, he becomes the editor of a popular newspaper in Banat.

In the meantime, he accepts to edit and publish both the Komédia, a weekly theatre magazine (1916-20), and the Gyerekújság, published at every two weeks (1922-28). In the latter he publishes more stories written by Móra Ferenc, who allows his former colleague a newer publication of any of his stories free of charges. He writes and publishes the story regarding his relationship with Móra Ferenc in more variants.

In 1926, on the basis of a contract, senior Kubán Endre becomes an employee of Déli Hírlap, a newspaper founded by Vuchetich Endre. In the case of special historical circumstances, he also accepts the main editor’s tasks. He edits articles, reports, theatre and book criticism, series of novels, short stories, pamphlets, and translations of literary texts. He also conducts the children’s rubric. Until he retires, in 1940, he is an editor, but keeps being the newspaper’s co-worker.

He regularly publishes his writings in Brassói Lapok, Vasárnap, Havi Szemle. He is the member both of the „Arany János” Society in Timisoara and of the Association of the Hungarian Writers from Banat. As a translator of literary texts, he translates poems written by Eminescu, Romul Fabian, Aron Cotruş, Lucian Blaga etc. After the Second World War, he publishes the volume dedicated to two children. His profession is continued by his son, Kubán Endre (1909-1991).

His most important works: Isten kedvencének, Páduai Szt Antalnak nevezetes csodatettei… (Legends, 1906); Hej more, fistes more, ide filelj, besíl a dádé! (Gipsy-anecdotes, 1908); Verses üdvözletek vagy útmutatás arra, hogy mit írjunk képes levelező-lapokra, kedveseinknek, barátainknak, rokonainknak és ismerőseinknek a távolból a zöldből és más különféle alkalmakkor (é. n.); Kósere snókesz. (Jewish anecdotes, 1914); Kacagó kádenciák (humorous poems, 1917); Kis emberek világa (é.n.); Megrontott élet (novel, 1932); Gömböc Matyi kópéságai (1947); Gyuszi, Cundri és a többiek (The Little Boy’s Summer Adventures, 1948).

He dies in 1957 in Timisoara.

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