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Járosy Dezső (1882-1932)

Járosy DezsőMusic esthete, organ player, magazine editor, professor at the Music Academy.

Járosy Dezső was born in Csatád, the current Lenauheim. He attends the charity school at Szeged and is also a student at the Music School in the city, run by König-Király Péter, where he studies the piano. In his native village he already accepts to perform the religious music services, improvises sounds in a spontaneous way, and plays the organ without having been trained methodologically. He continues his studies at the catholic theological school in Temesvár (Timişoara). In 1900 they edit his first work, approaching the religious music, A gregorián korális orgonakísérete (The Gregorian choirs’ organ accompaniment). In 1904 he graduates from the theological school and a year later he becomes a priest. He enrolls for the Music Academy at Budapest being the disciple of Hans Koessler. He assimilates his solid knowledge related to the Gregorian songs at Seckau, where he is the disciple of the well-known P. Vivell.

In 1906, after the death of Martin Novaček, he is appointed as the choir conductor at the cathedral in Timisoara. Starting with 1906, he is the theological Music teacher in Timisoara, he is offered a position at the bishop’s lecture hall. At the age of 26 he becomes the director of the „Cecília National Association” and is entrusted with the elaboration of the association’s specialty paper, Katolikus Egyházi Zeneközlöny, KEZ (Communications related to the Catholic Music). Járosy Dezső teaches all his life, however he firstly remains a careful observer of the musical context and keeps analyzing the musical process; he is the editor supporting the creator. Besides his organ performances, the publishing work is the activity which he is seriously dealing with, until the end of his life.

The music esthete Járosy considers, it is his task to promote the real musical values, he dedicates his performances to the ancestors of the musical art and these are also published. The first performance (Grieg Edvárd zeneesztétikai méltatása, The Appreciation of Grieg Edvard’s Musical Aesthetics, 1907) is followed by others: the Wagner-performance, later Chopin, Rimszkij-Korszakov, Liszt – and each is being published in a little volume.

In 1909 bishop Dr. Csernoch János designates him as the director’s assistant of the theological educational institution, and then in 1910 he is appointed as a professor of religious art. In 1910 he is appointed as a professor at the Music Academy in Budapest, and until 1914, he spends his time between the Hungarian capital and Timisoara. In the meantime he accepts new tasks in Timisoara; thus, as the choir conductor of the Music Experts’ Association, he initiates a series of concerts.

As the editor of a music newspaper, the KEZ represented his first outstanding task; between 1915 and 1918 this is published as Egyházi Zeneközlöny (Communications related to the Religious Music), and from February 1921 to 1927, it changes its title again and it is edited as Egyházi Zeneművészet (The Art of Religious Music). The last series of the paper is published as Musica ecclesiastica, under the supervision of Járosy, but only for a short time, between January and April 1929.

One of Járosy’s courageous attempts is Zenei Szemle (Musical Introspection). He starts it in 1916 and during its 12 years of existence, it’s form and contents changes a lot, but it addresses the „intelligent audience, which is fond of music,” it firstly approaches the analysis derived from the musical knowledge and performance by emphasizing reports and critical viewpoints. His editorial work is extended towards the Banater Musikzeitung newspaper published in German, whose title is going to change into Musikalische Rundschau.

We have to separately emphasize Járosy’s activity in the music criticism. Within the frames of the Temesvári Hírlap, he had elaborated, for almost twenty years, the chronicles regarding the musical life of the town and region. Járosy has 3000 writings published – the first group contains the musical chronicles published in Temesvári Hírlap, but those published in the specialized music papers are also very important – yet, before all, there are the ones published in Egyházi Zeneközlöny and its variants in shorter forms.

In the summary reflecting his whole activity, made by Braun Dezső, there are 26 publications – 10 of these highlight his work in the domain of religious music, 16 are focused on the universal music and the approach of the musical aesthetics. His main works: A zeneesztétikai szép a zenetörténelemben (The Beauty of the Music’s Aesthetics in the History of Music) (1908), Az Eucharistia zenéje (The Eucharist’s Music) (1910).

Járosy is especially fond of the organ’s music. He dedicates separate editorial chronicles, both in the KEZ and in Zenei Szemle, to the organ. He played in 88 organ concerts, which are worth of anybody’s attention, as it reflects a great artistic achievement.

It was natural for him to get in touch with the local musical life of that time in Timisoara and he accepted the more or less important tasks of the associations and different movements. He is the supporter of the Musical Circle in Timisoara, the member of honor of the Hungarian Music Association, a management member of the Association of the Friends of Music. He is the initiator and one of the leaders of the National Organ Players’ Association. Subsequently, he becomes the president of honor of the „Arany János” Literature Association, Timisoara.

His memory is preserved on a marble board in the Dome Gallery.

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